

Transfers a result set from the last query


Object oriented style

mysqli_result mysqli::store_result ( void )

Procedural style

mysqli_result mysqli_store_result ( mysqli $link )

Transfers the result set from the last query on the database connection represented by the link parameter to be used with the mysqli_data_seek function.



Procedural style only: A link identifier returned by mysqli_connect or mysqli_init

Return Values

Returns a buffered result object or FALSE if an error occurred.


mysqli_store_result returns FALSE in case the query didn't return a result set (if the query was, for example an INSERT statement). This function also returns FALSE if the reading of the result set failed. You can check if you have got an error by checking if mysqli_error doesn't return an empty string, if mysqli_errno returns a non zero value, or if mysqli_field_count returns a non zero value. Also possible reason for this function returning FALSE after successful call to mysqli_query can be too large result set (memory for it cannot be allocated). If mysqli_field_count returns a non-zero value, the statement should have produced a non-empty result set.



Although it is always good practice to free the memory used by the result of a query using the mysqli_free_result function, when transferring large result sets using the mysqli_store_result this becomes particularly important.


See mysqli_multi_query.

See Also

  • mysqli_real_query
  • mysqli_use_result