Problem: Accidentally Removed Your Entry from an ACL

  1. If you own the directory from which you have accidentally removed your ACL entry, then you actually still have the a (administer) permission even if it does not appear on the ACL. You normally own your home directory and all of its subdirectories, for instance. Issue the fs setacl command to grant yourself all other permissions. For complete instructions, see To Add, Remove, or Edit Normal ACL Permissions.

       % fs setacl  -dir <directory> -acl <your_username> all

    For directory, provide the complete pathname to the directory (for example, /afs/ This is necessary because AFS cannot interpret pathname abbreviations if you do not have the l (lookup) permission.

  2. If you do not own the directory, issue the fs listacl to check if any remaining entries grant you the permissions you need (perhaps you belong to one or more groups that appear on the ACL). For complete instructions, see To display an ACL.

       % fs listacl <dir/file path>
    • The following message displays the directory's ACL. If you need permissions that no entry currently grants you, ask the directory's owner or your system administrator for help.

         Access list for <dir/file path> is
         Normal rights
         list of entries
    • If the command returns the following error message instead of an ACL, then you do not have the l permission.

         fs: You don't have the required access rights on 'dir/file path'

      Ask the directory's owner or your system administrator to grant you the permissions you need. If they add you to a group that has the required permissions, you must issue the aklog command to reauthenticate before you can exercise them.